10 Ways to have a Waste-Free Halloween!

Halloween is just 12 days away!

According to the Environmental Protection Agency in the US, household waste rises more than 25 percent between Halloween and New Year’s Day.

To celebrate Waste Reduction Week (October 16-22), EcoSpark has compiled a list of 10 ways to make this an eco-friendly holiday.

1. Recycle material for decorations. Turn an old milk container into a spooky ghost or cut up an egg carton and paint it black. Voila – a bat!

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2. Reuse old decorations. Plastic or paper decorations don’t necessarily have to be thrown in with the old pumpkin pie when the holiday is over. Save your dollar store decos, and bring ‘em out again next year!

3. Hosting a Halloween Party? Buy your candy in bulk. Bulk food stores always stock up on tasty Halloween-themed treats during October. Save money and garbage!

4. Give out candy or chocolate cardboard packaging that can be recycled like Nerds or boxes of raisins!

5. Compost pumpkins. If you are in Toronto, take them to the Pumpkin Parades across the city in over 40 parks on November 1st!

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6. Don’t buy disposable trick-or-treat containers. We suggest a pillowcase instead!

7. Halloween party hack! Use reusable utensils. Those black-and-orange plates might look cute, but your guests will have just as good a time if you use your regular dishes.

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8. Spa day! Old pumpkins can be turned into a variety of different products – an exfoliating face mask, a body butter, an air freshener…the possibilities are endless!

9.  Donate your old costumes! There is probably a school drama department, women’s shelter or Value Village that would love your fairy costume that doesn’t fit anymore.


10. Host a costume swap. Instead of collecting dust in your closet, one of your friends could make use of your unused get-up, PLUS you’d get a new look for free! You can organize one in the upcoming weekends leading up to Halloween. Need inspiration? Check out this Costume Swapping Story in Guelph!


Did you know that Ontario has a strategy to move towards a zero-waste future? Check out the strategy here. You can start now with a waste-free Halloween!

We wish you a Happy GREEN Halloween!


EcoSpark is an environmental charity whose aim is to empower communities to take an active role in protecting and sustaining their local environment. We do this by giving people the tools for education, monitoring and influencing positive change.


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